Nevertheless, I don’t hate Aeneas, no matter how wrongly he thinks,
but I complain of treachery, and I, complaining, love the treacherous one
worse. Show mercy, Venus, to your daughter-in-law, and may brother
love embrace his hostile brother; let him be a soldier in your camp!
But I, who began this love (and I did not even look down on it), may he
present material for my care! I was misled, and that same image is
thrown to mistaken me: he disagreed with the character of his mother.
Stones and mountains and natural hardwood from high cliffs of raging and
wild beasts had begat you, or the sea, such as you now see to be set into
motion by each woman with the winds, by which you still prepare to go with
the hostile waves. Where do you flee? The winter stands in the way:
let the grace of the winter do well for me. Look so that you may
see the wind stirring up the wandering waves.
quamuis: =quamvis; adverb
male: adverb
infidum: take as the direct object of amo; substantive
questa: =queror, modifies Dido
peius: adverb
parce: parco; imperative; takes a dative
nurui: dative with parce
amplectere: = amplecteret; 3rd person, singular,
imperfect, subjunctive, deponent; from amplector, jussive subjunctive
militet: milito, 3rd person, singular, present,
active, subjunctive; jussive subjunctive
quae: antecedent is ego (i.e. Dido)
coepi: coepi, coepisse
amorem: accusative; direct objective of coepi
curae: dative, singular, feminine; dative of respect
praebeat: 3rd person, singular, present, active,
subjunctive; jussive subjunctive
fallor: fallo, passive.
falsae: dative, modifying mihi; from falsus, a,
iactatur: = juactatur, from jacto
dissidet: intransitive verb + ab = ‘disagreed
lapsis, montes, robora: plural nominatives, subjects
of progenuere
innata: modifies robora
progenuere: = progenuerant, 2nd person, singular,
pluperfect, active, indicative
mare: accusative, singular, feminine; objective
of progenuere(s)
quale: ‘such as’
agitari: present, passive, infinitive; complimentary
quoque: quisque, ablative, singular, masculine;
ablative of means
uentis: = ventis, ablative, plural, masculine;
ablative of means
qua: ablative, singular, feminine; ablative of means;
refers to mare
prosit: =prosum, subjunctive, 3rd person, singular,
present, active, sunjunctive; jussive subjunctive; takes dative (mihi)
aspice: imperative
ut: introduces a purpose clause
euersas: = eversas, from everro, participle modifying
concitet: subjunctive verb in purpose clause.