aspicias / utinam quae / sit / scribentis imago! 
scribimus, et gremio Troicus / ensis / adest
perque genas lacrimae strictum / labuntur in ensem, 

qui / iam pro lacrimis sanguine / tinctus erit. 

quam bene conueniunt fato tua munera nostro! 

instruis / impensa nostra sepulcra breui

nec mea nunc primum / feriuntur pectora telo

ille locus saeui / uulnus Amoris habet. 

Anna soror, soror Anna, meae male / conscia culpae, 

iam dabis in cineres ultima dona meos. 

nec consumpta rogis / inscribar / Elissa / Sychaei

hoc tantum in tumuli / marmore carmen erit: 

praebuit aeneas et causam mortis et ensem 

ipsa / sua Dido concidit / usa / manu

If only you could see the my face which is of one writing! 

I am wrting, and the Trojan sword is present in my lap, 

And the tears slide over my cheeks onto the drawn sword, 

Which will very soon be covered with blood instead of tears. 

How well your gifts suit my fate! 

You prepare my grave with little expense. 

And now my breast is not struck by a weapon for the first time; 

That place holds the wound of raging Love. 

Anna, sister, sister Anna, unfortunately conscious of my fault, 

Soon you will give the last gifts to my ashes. 

And, consumed upon the funeral pyre, I will not be inscribed “Dido of Sycheaus.” 

This much a verse will be on the marble of the burial mound: 

“Aeneas gave both the cause of death and the sword 

Dido her very self fell by her own hand employed.” 

aspicias:2nd person, singular, present, active, subjunctive; potential subjunctive 

quae:interrogative adjective describing imago

sit:3rd person, singular, present, active, subjunctive; subjunctive in indirect question 

scribentis:present active participle; in genitive singular case with imago

Troicus:nominative, singular, masculine; Trojan, describing ensis

ensis:nominative, singular, masculine; the sword Dido is referring to is one given to her by Aeneas as a gift 

adest:, 3rd person, singular, present, active, indicative; from adsum, adesse

strictum:perfect passive participle, accusative singular; modifying ensem

labuntur: 3rd person, singular, present, passive, indicative; from labor, labi, lapsus

qui:personal pronoun, antecedent is ensem

sanguine:ablative of means 

tinctus:perfect passive participle; modifying the antecedent of qui

fato:ablative, singular, masculine; of respect 

instruis:2nd person, singular, present, active, indicative

impensa:ablative, singular, feminine; of means 

brevi:ablative, singular, feminine; modifying impensa‘I’ stem adjective


Feriuntur:3rd person, singular, present, passive, indicative

Telo:ablative, singular, masculine; of means/instrument

uulnus:accusative, singular, neuter; this wound is a recurring theme in the Aeneid signifying her love for Aeneas 

saeui:perfect passive participle; genitive, singular, modifying Amoris

Anna:Dido’s sister was her confederate throughout the whole ordeal with Aeneas 


Conscia:nominative, singular, feminine; apposative with Anna

dabis: 2nd person, singular, future, active, indicative; from do, dare

ultima:accusative, plural, neuter; modifying dona;Ultimate as in ‘final’, ‘last’

rogis:ablative, plural, masculine; ablative of where 

inscribar:1st person, singular, present, passive, indicative

Elissa:nominative, singular, feminine; apposative with implied subject of inscribar Dido 

Sychaei:Sychaeus, Dido’s former husband, killed by her brother 

Tumuli:genitive, singular, masculine

marmore:ablative with preposition in ‘both…and’ 

ipsa:nominative, singular, feminine; modifying Dido

sua:ablative, singular, feminine; modifying manu

concidit:3rd person, singular, perfect, active, indicative

usa:perfect passive participle; ablative singular; modifying manu

manu:ablative of means