ut terram invenias, quis eam tibi tradet habendam?
quis sua non notis aura tenenda dabit?
Scilicet alter amor tibi restat et altera Dido,
quamque iterum / fallas, / altera danda fides.
quando erit ut condas' instar Carthaginis urbem
et videas populos altus ab arce tuos?
amnia ut eveniant, nec di tua vota morentur,
unde tibi, quae te sic amet, uxor erit?
uror ut inducto ceratae sulpure / taedae,
ut pia fumosis addita tura focis.
Aeneas oculis vigilantis semper inhaeret,
Aenean animo noxque quiesque refert.
ille quidem  / male gratus et ad mea munera surdus,
et quo, si non sim stulta, carerevelim;

Suppose that you discover the land, who will hand it over to your control?
Who will give their lands to an unknown man to hold?
One may be sure that another love stands firm for you, and another Dido,
Another pledge to be given, another whom you will deceive.
When will it be that you found a city as grand as Carthage
And when will it be that you see your people from the high citadel?
Should all these things come true, should the Gods not delay to answer your prayers,
From where will there be a wife who would love you like this?
I burn like the waxed torches having been covered with sulphur,
Like religious incenses having been added to the smoky altars.
Aeneas always clings to my eyes at all waking hours,
The quiet of the night brings Aeneas back in my heart.
A certain ungrateful man, and indifferent to my kindness,
And who, if I were not foolish, would be the sort of man I should wish to be rid of.

ut: translated as ‘suppose that’;  introduces a concessive clause where invenias is the verb in the present subjunctive and terram is the accusative direct object of the clause
quis: a relative pronoun and the subject of tradet
 habendam: gerundive; accusative, singular, feminine; object is terram supplied from previous clause; predicative like tenenda with dabit in the following line
sua: modifies arua, translated ‘their lands’
non notis: equivalent to "ignotis,", avoids hiatus with preceding word (sua)
scilicet: adverb, may be translated ‘of course’ or "obviously." Knox points out that scilicet carries with it a sarcastic tone.
restat: resto, restare
iterum: adverb, ‘again’
fallas: 2nd person, singular, present, active, subjunctive; from fallo, fallere,
altera...fides: this refers to Aeneas' lack of faith.
quando erit ut: Knox notes that this is a "prosaic periphrasis." The ut introduces an indirect question.
instar: indeclinable noun, meaning "equal in size."
arce: ablative, singular, feminine; ablative of place where with ab, also may be taken as ablative of separation, the hypothetical Aeneas being separated from the lowly people
inducto: perfect passive participle;ablative, singular, masculine/neuter; with sulpure, 
sulpure: singular ablative of means with inducto
ceratae...taedae: periphrasis for cereus
addita: perfect passive participle; neuter, plural, modifies pia tura or ‘religious incense’
vigilantis: genitive, singular, masculine; adjective modifying oculis
Aenean animo...refert: an example of hendiadys. Can be translated as ‘the stillness of the night’ instead of the ‘quiet and the night.’
quidem: adverb, ‘certain.’
male gratis: equivalent to ingrates, referring to Aeneas
si: introduces a subjunctive conditional clause, ‘if I were not foolish...’
carere: present active infinitive, complimentary infinitive with velim.
velim: first person, singular, present , active, subjunctive verb; optative subjunctive